University of Cambridge > > CRASSH > The causal analysis of racial discrimination

The causal analysis of racial discrimination

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Samantha Peel.

All are welcome to our roundtable discussion on ‘Signal Manipulation and the Causal Analysis of Racial Discrimination’, forthcoming at Ergo, which examines how causal models can be used to understand discrimination experiments, while making as few commitments as possible regarding the ontology of race.

The questions that this paper raises and seeks to address include:

#1 What is race (does it exist and is it socially constructed)? #2 Is if fruitful to model race causally in detecting discrimination? #3 What makes an act racially discriminatory?

As this is a roundtable discussion, Naftali won’t be giving a presentation on the paper, so we ask participants to make themselves familiar with the broad argument of the paper prior to the roundtable discussion. You can access the paper directly via the CRASSH website

Naftali Winberger is a fellow at the Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. He has written extensively on the nature of causal modelling in general and in the particular context of racial discrimination. Naftali is visiting the ERC project QUALITY at CRASSH in May 2022.

Please register for this talk via the link above, and detail whether you would like to attend in person or virtually via Zoom. There are limited spaces available so we may close registration at any time.

This event is hosted by the ERC -funded project ‘Qualitative and Quantitative Social Science: A Unified Logic of Causal Inference?’. QUALITY is funded by the European Research Council under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (ERC grant agreement no. 715530)

This talk is part of the CRASSH series.

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