University of Cambridge > > Churchill College Phoenix Society > “The Road to Afghanistan”

“The Road to Afghanistan”

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Harry Bullivant.

’A military perspective on how we have found ourselves in the current strategic situation’

As Churchill said: “Never, never, never believe any war will be smooth and easy.” How has it been so difficult to resolve the war in Afghanistan? The talk will give a historical context to the current conflict in following developments since the Cold War, which have played a significant role in the situation today. Jamie has had a long career in the Army, serving in the Falklands, West Germany, Northern Ireland and Bosnia as well as positions in the MoD and UN Mission HQ in Kosovo. He is now Director General of the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust, which provides grants for Churchill Students and and a Churchill Archives Centre Byfellowship.

Entry, refreshments and wine are free of charge for University members.

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This talk is part of the Churchill College Phoenix Society series.

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