A multi-dimensional Birkhoff theorem for Tonelli Hamiltonian flows
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Marie-Claude Arnaud, Avignon
Wednesday 09 March 2011, 16:00-17:00
If you have a question about this talk, please contact Ivan Smith.
In the 20’s, Birkhoff proved that any essential curve that is invariant by a symplectic twist map of the 2-dimensional annulus is the graph of a continuous map. We will give the main ideas of the proof of the following multidimensional version of this result:
“The manifold M being compact and connected, every submanifold of T*M that is Hamiltonianly isotopic to the zero-section and that is invariant by a Tonelli Hamiltonian flow is a graph.”
This talk is part of the Differential Geometry and Topology Seminar series.
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