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Animal movement with self-interaction via multiple memories

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SSDW05 - Modelling and Applications of Anomalous Diffusions

Fagan, McBride & Koralov (2023; J. R. Soc. Interface 20: 20220700) describe a stochastic model in which an animal’s movement interacts with its past trajectory through attraction and repulsion terms involving two separate memories.  They explore the model by simulation, and find a range of qualitatively different behaviours for different parameter regimes. In this talk, I will describe some work in progress looking at some simplifications and variations of their model. These include relating the memories of past locations to versions of the average past location or barycentre. In some cases, these models permit more analytical understanding of the behaviour that emerges; in others, some insight is available numerically rather than only by simulation. 

This talk is part of the Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series series.

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