University of Cambridge > > DAMTP Friday GR Seminar > A Scattering Theory for Linearised Gravity on the Exterior of the Schwarzschild Black Hole

A Scattering Theory for Linearised Gravity on the Exterior of the Schwarzschild Black Hole

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Prahar Mitra.

I will talk about the scattering problem in general relativity, and present a construction of a scattering theory resolving the problem for the linearised Einstein equations in a double null gauge against a Schwarzschild background. The construction begins by dealing with the gauge invariant components of the linearised system via the spin $\pm2$ Teukolsky equations and the Teukolsky—Starobinsky identities; this was the subject of the paper arXiv:2007.13658. In this talk I will discuss how this theory can then extended to the full system. Key to this step is the identification of suitable asymptotic gauge conditions on scattering data. Here, a Bondi-adapted double null gauge is shown to provide the necessary gauge rigidity, in a manner that enables the identification of Hilbert-space isomorphism between finite energy scattering data and a suitable space of finite energy Cauchy data. In particular, the gauge conditions made on scattering data will allow for a global treatment of the BMS group and the memory effect at past and future null infinity.

This talk is part of the DAMTP Friday GR Seminar series.

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