University of Cambridge > > Departmental Seminar Programme, Department of Veterinary Medicine > AO Global Data – revolutionising medical data collection, enabling outcome reporting and evidence-based medical decision making.

AO Global Data – revolutionising medical data collection, enabling outcome reporting and evidence-based medical decision making.

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  • UserDr Alexander Joeris, Head of Clinical Science, AO Innovation Translation Centre (AO ITC) World_link
  • ClockWednesday 02 December 2020, 16:00-17:00
  • HouseVenue to be confirmed.

If you have a question about this talk, please contact Fiona Roby.

Patient-reported outcome measurements (PROMs), or for veterinary medicine Owner-reported outcome measurements (OROMs), gain increasing importance. Two of the main reasons for this is the shift towards value-based health care and evidence-based medical decision making in recent years. Several initiatives within the AO, a medically-guided not-for-profit foundation based in Switzerland, with the mission to promote excellence in patient care and outcomes in trauma and musculoskeletal disorders, support the development, interpretation and use of PROs in daily clinical routine. One of those initiatives is AO Global Data, a next generation platform for surgeons and patients, which can be used in clinical routine to capture the patients wellbeing and performance in the course of rehabilitation from a fracture or musculoskeletal disease.

In the webinar Alexander Joeris talks about the importance of PROs/OROMs, presents AO Global Data and the AO’s future vision for AO Global Data and how AO Global Data could serve the veterinary medicine community in the near future.

This talk is part of the Departmental Seminar Programme, Department of Veterinary Medicine series.

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