University of Cambridge > > British Antarctic Survey > A regime view of the North Atlantic Oscillation and Atlantic jetstream variability

A regime view of the North Atlantic Oscillation and Atlantic jetstream variability

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Christian Franzke.

Open to non-BAS; please contact Christian Franzke (chan1 (at) if you would like to attend.

Variations of the atmospheric jetstreams over the North Atlantic result in large variability of the climate of western Europe on timescales of weeks to decades. The North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) is a particularly dramatic example of such jetstream variations, but it is not the only example. This talk will give a general overview of the NAO and Atlantic jetstream variability, and will then show evidence that there are a few preferred states, or regimes, within the spectrum of flow variations. Implications for the predictability of European weather, and for the atmospheric response to anthropogenic forcing, will also be discussed.

This talk is part of the British Antarctic Survey series.

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