University of Cambridge > > DAMTP Astrophysics Seminars > Alfven wave phase-mixing in flows: why over-dense solar coronal open magnetic field structures are cool?

Alfven wave phase-mixing in flows: why over-dense solar coronal open magnetic field structures are cool?

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Robert Teed.

We include the effect of plasma flow in Alfvén wave (AW) damping via phase mixing and to explore the observational implications. We apply our findings to addressing the question why over-dense solar coronal open magnetic field structures (OMFS) are cooler than the background plasma. Observations show that the over-dense OMFS (e.g. solar coronal polar plumes) are cooler than surrounding plasma and that, in these structures, Doppler line-broadening is consistent with bulk plasma motions, such as AW. If over-dense solar coronal OMFS are heated by AW damping via phase-mixing, we show that, co-directional with AW, plasma flow in them reduces the phase-mixing induced-heating, thus providing an explanation of why they appear cooler than the background. Recent advances in solar flare radio emission mechanisms modelling will be also very briefly discussed.

This talk is part of the DAMTP Astrophysics Seminars series.

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