University of Cambridge > > Cambridge Tax Discussion Group > Are Women Better Taxpayers Than Men?

Are Women Better Taxpayers Than Men?

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Guy Mulley.

The Cambridge Tax Discussion Group will be hearing from Priya Srivatsa, a PhD student in the Centre of Development Studies, whose research is looking at gender and tax compliance in lower-income countries. More detail about Priya’s talk is given below. As ever, the CTDG ’s informal style meetings are open to anyone. No experience of or expertise in tax is required. We are a multi-disciplinary gathering, keen to discuss tax issues beyond their legal and financial context. No prior registration for the event is required. However, to ensure that we have enough space, it would be helpful if you would contact the organiser, to indicate that you will be attending. OUTLINE OF TALK ax revenue generation is key to any development strategy. However, governments need to raise taxes in ways that are equitable and fair, while presenting the smallest possible administrative burden on both taxpayers and administrators. A growing body of research has investigated the drivers of tax compliance in lower-income countries, including enforcement, facilitation, and tax morale, with a broader view of increasing tax revenue in efficient and equitable ways. An important, yet under-researched, dimension of this debate is related to gendered differences. Does the tax system work to support businesswomen? Does it present a greater burden for women than for men? What are women’s experiences and perceptions of tax systems, and how do they differ from their male counterparts? This research project started answering some of these questions using survey data from five countries in Africa. The quantitative results are insightful but also slightly puzzling. While women tend to have less trust in tax administrations and lower knowledge of tax matters, there are fewer differences across genders than we might have expected. We therefore complement these results with qualitative evidence at the country level, aimed to gather a deeper understanding of women’s experience with tax.

This talk is part of the Cambridge Tax Discussion Group series.

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