Agrofuels and the risk of ecosystem collapse
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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Stephen Stretton.
AGROFUELS Deepak Rughani, BioFuelWatch: “Agrofuels and the risk of ecosystem collapse”
Wednesday 10th October, 7pm
Friends Meeting House, 12 Jesus Lane
Biofuelwatch campaigns against the use of bioenergy from unsustainable sources, i.e. biofuels linked to accelerated climate change, deforestation, bio-diversity losses, human rights abuses, including the impoverishment and dispossession of local populations, water and soil degradation, loss of food sovereignty and food security.
Deepak will explain why most biofuels are more accurately called agrofuels and how they contribute both to the loss of ecosystems and to global warming.
Deepak is an expert on the hydrology and ecology of the Amazon rainforest.
This talk is part of the Cambridge Zero Carbon Society series.
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