‘I can get that song out of your head: Decoding perceptual representations with retinotopic and tonotopic maps.’
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If you have a question about this talk, please contact John Mollon.
I will discuss recent work in our lab using retinotopic maps in visual cortex and tonotopic maps in auditory cortex to estimate the perceptual representations of visual and auditory stimuli. I will show how the spatial pattern of fMRI responses in the primary visual cortex can predict the spatial location of a stimulus to within one degree of visual angle, and how these responses follow an illusory shift in perceived location. Analogously, I will show how tonotopic maps in primary auditory cortex can be used to estimate the frequency of an auditory stimulus. Finally, I will present (very) preliminary work suggesting that frequency-dependent fMRI responses in the left planum temporale can be used to predict the identity of an imagined song.
This talk is part of the Craik Club series.
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