A Runge approximation theorem for pseudoholomorphic curves
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Antoine Gournay, MPI Bonn
Wednesday 10 November 2010, 16:00-17:00
If you have a question about this talk, please contact Ivan Smith.
The Runge Approximation Theorem states that a holomorphic map f from an open set U to the complex plane C can, on compacts K of U, be approximated by a meromorphic function h defined on
the whole plane C. There is a natural transcription of the problem to maps between manifolds: let f be a pseudo-holomorphic map from an open set U of a Riemann surface S to an almost-complex manifold (M,J). For
any compact K of U is it possible to find a pseudo-holomorphic map defined on S which is close to f when restricted to K? For a general (M,J) this is obviously impossible; the aim of the talk is to describe
such approximations for a class of manifolds (M,J).
This talk is part of the Differential Geometry and Topology Seminar series.
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