University of Cambridge > > Physics and Chemistry of Solids Group > A day in the life of an adsorbate: Observing dynamics in an open quantum system

A day in the life of an adsorbate: Observing dynamics in an open quantum system

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Stephen Walley.

Surface adsorbates represent a unique arena in which fundamental processes can be observed at an atomic level. The helium spin-echo method (HeSE), developed largely at the Cavendish, has revealed how surface atoms, and molecules, interact with each other and with the heat-bath provided by the substrate. In addition, dynamical behaviour can often be used to identify single- or multiple-adsorption sites within a single unit cell and provide exquisite detail on energy landscapes. The seminar will present some of the major observations and highlight the extent to which our knowledge of the underlying processes has been clarified.

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This talk is part of the Physics and Chemistry of Solids Group series.

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