University of Cambridge > > Cambridge University Geographical Society (CUGS) talks > ‘Geographies of Radical Difference’

‘Geographies of Radical Difference’

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“Place-based politics is often held in suspicion. Yet some of the most radical challenges to neoliberalism (Latin America, Syriza, Podemos) are place-based. What can geography bring to an analysis of this?”

Doreen Massey has engaged with Marxist geography, feminist geography, and cultural geography. She is currently working on threads of place, politics, and geographical differentiation. She has engaged with a critique of current forms of globalisation, issues of regional uneven development, and of the city. In all of this the aim has been to work between, and to show the relationship between, philosophical and conceptual issues on the one hand and the directly political on the other. The aim of her recent work is to demonstrate the importance to both everyday life and wider politics of how we conceptualise both space and place. £2 for non-members

This promises to be one of the best talks yet (Doreen is basically a celebrity in Geography)! This is also the last Speakers Event of this academic year!
Free for CUGS members

This talk is part of the Cambridge University Geographical Society (CUGS) talks series.

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