University of Cambridge > > Quantum Fields and Strings Seminars > An integrable Lorentz-breaking deformation of 2d CFTs

An integrable Lorentz-breaking deformation of 2d CFTs

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Dr. Carl Turner.

It has been recently shown that the deformation of an arbitrary two-dimensional conformal field theory by the composite irrelevant operator TT¯, built from the components of the stress tensor, is solvable; in particular, the finite-size spectrum of the deformed theory can be obtained from that of the original CFT through a universal formula. We study a similarly universal, Lorentz-breaking deformation of two-dimensional CFTs that posess a conserved U(1) current, J. The deformation takes the schematic form JT¯ and is interesting because it preserves an SL(2,R)×U(1) subgroup of the original global conformal symmetries. For the case of a purely (anti)chiral current, we find the finite-size spectrum of the deformed theory and study its thermodynamic properties. We test our predictions in a simple example involving deformed free fermions.

This talk is part of the Quantum Fields and Strings Seminars series.

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