University of Cambridge > > Cambridge Psychedelic Society > A simplified view of neuroplasticity, neuroimmunomodulation and neurotransmission effects induced by psychedelics

A simplified view of neuroplasticity, neuroimmunomodulation and neurotransmission effects induced by psychedelics

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Bianca De Sanctis.

The Cambridge Psychedelic Society is very excited to host Dr. Antonio Inserra!

Please find the zoom link for this talk here:

Abstract: Mounting evidence points towards safety and efficacy of psychedelic therapy as a potential novel therapy in psychiatry, suggesting that the use of these compounds might become integrated into modern society. Although our understanding of the neurobiological processes involved has increased exponentially in the last 20 years, many questions remain. In this presentation I will give a simplified overview of our current understanding of the effects of psychedelics on biological processes involved with neuroplasticity, neuroimmunomodulation and neurotransmission. Moreover, I will discuss soon-to-be published effects of LSD on social behavior and the reticular thalamus, one of the brain structures thought to be involved in awareness and social behavior. Lastly, I will outline future research directions, long-term studies, and side effects that need to be carefully addressed to consolidate and expand on the findings so far available and to further scrutinize a potential transition into mainstream medicine.

Dr. Inserra is a Postdoctoral research fellow at the Neurobiological Psychiatry Unit at McGill University, in Montreal, Canada. Dr. Inserra has obtained a bachelor in biotechnology for the production of diagnostics, therapeutics and vaccines at the University of Urbino, Italy, in which he focused on gene therapy, a master’s in Biotechnology and Translational Psychiatry at the John Curtin School of Medical Research, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, in which he investigated the relationships between stress, the immune system and epigenetics, and a PhD in Neuroimmunopharmacology at the Flinders University and the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute investigating antinflammatory therapies as a potential novel therapy in psychiatry. Subsequently, Dr. Inserra joined the Neurobiological Psychiatry Unit at McGill University, Montreal, where he is involved in a translational study investigating the effects of psychedelic compounds on the reticular thalamus, a brain structure involved in the generation of awareness and social behaviour. For more information, see his recently published literature review entitled ”Psychedelics in Psychiatry: Neuroplastic, Immunomodulatory, and Neurotransmitter Mechanisms” available here , or check out his google scholar profile here:

The Cambridge Psychedelic Society was started last year as a platform to encourage discussion and education about psychedelic substances, their use in medicine, as well as their cultural, legal, philosophical, and artistic impacts. Everyone welcome. Advertising or soliciting illegal drugs is strictly prohibited.

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This talk is part of the Cambridge Psychedelic Society series.

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