University of Cambridge > > Engineering Department Geotechnical Research Seminars > A predictive model for instabilities in sands.

A predictive model for instabilities in sands.

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  • UserProfessor Jose Andrade, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Northwestern University
  • ClockThursday 04 October 2007, 16:00-17:30
  • HouseEngineering Department - LR5.

If you have a question about this talk, please contact Zelda Stuck.

Prof Andrade will present a simple predictive model for sands. The model is based on critical state soil mechanics (CSSM) and plasticity theory and has been implemented into a general-purpose nonlinear finite element code. I will show the predictive capabilities of the model to capture drained and undrained behavior in sands under a range of relative densities and stress paths. In particular, applications of the model to predict the onset of instabilities such as shear banding and liquefaction will be presented.

This talk is part of the Engineering Department Geotechnical Research Seminars series.

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