University of Cambridge > > Theoretical Physics Colloquium > Anomalies and transport: from the quark gluon plasma to Weyl semi-metals on a superstring

Anomalies and transport: from the quark gluon plasma to Weyl semi-metals on a superstring

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Dr Joan Camps.

Chiral anomalies belong to the most emblematic predictions of quantum field theory. Whereas in the particle physics context the anomaly explains the decay of the neutral pion, in the condensed matter context anomalies are at the heart of a variety of non-dissipative transport phenomena. Two examples that have recently attracted much interest are the the “chiral magnetic effect” and the “chiral vortical effect”. I will discuss the theory of anomalous transport using field and string theory methods and will comment on possible applications to the physics of the quark gluon plasma and new so far hypothetical materials, the Weyl-semimetals.

This talk is part of the Theoretical Physics Colloquium series.

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