University of Cambridge > > Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series > “Imaging the Immune System in Tissue Repair”

“Imaging the Immune System in Tissue Repair”

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Ruth Paton.

This Cambridge Immunology and Medicine Seminar will take place on Thursday 8 May 2025, starting at 4:00pm, in the Ground Floor Lecture Theatre, Jeffrey Cheah Biomedical Centre (JCBC)

Speaker: Professor Paul Kubes, Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary

Title: “Imaging the Immune System in Tissue Repair”

Abstract: Using a very simple model of tissue injury where a thermal probe is touched to the surface of a tissue and kills about 1000 cells has unveiled a very complex series of immune events that lead to complete repair in tissues like the liver.  Neutrophils enter the site, clear the debris and leave again via the vasculature while monocytes and iNKT cells surround the injury and slowly the monocytes convert to a repair phenotype before entering and working with stellate cells to help to return the structure back to homeostasis.  The outer compartment where the mesothelium has to regrow requires that peritoneal macrophages attach to the injury site take on a repair phenotype with the help of peritoneal mast cells and aid in repair. Some of these same principles apply to chronic injury  and cancer. 

Host: Tim Halim, CRUK Cambridge

Refreshments will be available following the seminar.

This talk is part of the Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series series.

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