University of Cambridge > > Materials Modelling Seminars > Atomistic Machine Learning between Physics and Data

Atomistic Machine Learning between Physics and Data

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Nichola Daily.

Statistical regression techniques have become very fashionable as a tool to predict the properties of systems at the atomic scale, sidestepping much of the computational cost of first-principles simulations and making it possible to perform simulations that require thorough statistical sampling without compromising on the accuracy of the electronic structure model.

In this talk I will argue how data-driven modelling can be rooted in a mathematically rigorous and physically-motivated framework, and how this is beneficial to the accuracy and the transferability of the model. I will also highlight how machine learning – despite amounting essentially to data interpolation – can provide important physical insights on the behaviour of complex systems, on the synthesizability and on the structure-property relations of materials.

I will give examples concerning all sorts of atomistic systems, from semiconductors to molecular crystals, and properties as diverse as drug-protein interactions, dielectric response of aqueous systems and NMR chemical shielding in the solid state.

This talk is part of the Materials Modelling Seminars series.

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