University of Cambridge > > Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar > A counterexample to the first Zassenhaus conjecture

A counterexample to the first Zassenhaus conjecture

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  • UserFlorian Eisele (City)
  • ClockWednesday 17 October 2018, 16:30-17:30
  • HouseMR12.

If you have a question about this talk, please contact Christopher Brookes.

There are many interesting problems surrounding the unit group U(RG) of the ring RG, where R is a commutative ring and G is a finite group. Of particular interest are the finite subgroups of U(RG). In the seventies, Zassenhaus conjectured that any u in U(ZG) is conjugate,  in the group U(QG), to an element of the form +/-g, where g is an element of the group G. This came to be known as the “(first) Zassenhaus conjecture”. I will talk about the recent construction of a counterexample to this conjecture (this is joint work with L. Margolis), and recent work on related questions in the modular representation theory of finite groups.

This talk is part of the Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar series.

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