University of Cambridge > > CUED Control Group Seminars > A scalable approach to the design of large networks

A scalable approach to the design of large networks

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Tim Hughes.

Many networks have simple underlying structures, for example the current flows in an electrical network obey Kirchoff’s current law, a simple conservation law at every point of interconnection. We exploit this local structure to devise local design rules termed protocols, which if satisfied everywhere in a network guarantee robust stability of the network as a whole. The key strength of such an approach is that it scales; the network is free to shrink and grow provided all areas of the network continue to follow the network protocol. We illustrate our techniques by describing a protocol suitable for detailed electrical power system models, offering a new look at the design of current and future power system devices.

This talk is part of the CUED Control Group Seminars series.

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