An analytical approach to a model of spin interactions in quartic wells
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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Volker Heine.
The recent possibility to prepare, manipulate and detect strongly correlated states using ultracold atoms in optical lattices have open new challenges to explore quantum magnetism. In particular, recent experimental demonstrations of the importance of both nearest neighbour (NN) superexchange and direct interactions in femionic double wells (DW) has reinvigorated the theoretical search for model spin lattice Hamiltonians. In this current study, we investigate a model which includes these interactions to study the DW. To invoke the spirit of the experiments in which the lattice parameters can be controlled independently, we have set up our variational approach so that the kinetic part can be decoupled from the interactions. This allows the switching on and varying of the lattice parameters independently. The simplicity of the approach makes it straightforward to extend it to quartic wells.
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