University of Cambridge > > Engineering Design Centre > A System description with many levels of detail: The Hierarchic Contact & Channel Model

A System description with many levels of detail: The Hierarchic Contact & Channel Model

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Julie Jupp.

The Contact and Channel Model (C&CM) is a framework able to describe technical systems on any level of detail. With the utilisation of hierarchies for its representation of the systems components and functions, it gains the ability to describe systems on different levels of detail without the need to fully model every aspect of those levels. This dynamic hierarchic C&CM has been implemented in P3 Signposting developed at the EDC , using its ability to easily define new dynamic representations of linkage based models. With the help of this implementation the hierarchic extension of C&CM was researched further.

This talk will give a short introduction to the C&CM and its hierarchical extension. It will also cover the implementation in P3 Signposting as well as its possible uses. One example use that has been researched in collaboration with the EDC over the previous years is its utilisation as the basis for the linkage model needed for Change Prediction Method.

About the Speaker: Andreas Krimmer is currently undertaking a Diploma Thesis at the University of Karlsruhe, Gernamy. Andreas’ presentation will be the forth installment within a series of talks which is part of an ongoing collaboration between the Cambridge Engineering Design Centre (EDC) and the Institute of Product Development Karlsruhe (IPEK).

This talk is part of the Engineering Design Centre series.

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