“Personality and social learning in wild baboons”
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Dr Alecia Carter (Large Animal Research Group, Department of Zoology
Wednesday 30 January 2013, 12:30-13:30
Venue to be confirmed.
If you have a question about this talk, please contact Diane Pearce.
Social species can learn about their environment by gathering personal information or by learning from other individuals. While previous research into social learning has focused on the mechanisms involved, recently there has been a call to understand individual differences in social learning. We investigated whether individual differences in social learning through stimulus enhancement were related to personality in wild baboons Papio ursinus. We used two field experiments in which individuals had the opportunity to learn from an experienced demonstrator: exposure to a novel food and a simple hidden-food task. We investigated whether the 1) propensity to solve the task, 2) time spent watching a demonstrator and 3) change in behaviour after watching a demonstrator was related to the baboon’s boldness or anxiety.
This talk is part of the Madingley Lunchtime Seminars series.
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