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A Cambridge Design and Innovation Syllabus

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Julie Jupp.

External Speaker (Computer Laboratory - Rainbow Research Group)

The Crucible network for research in interdisciplinary design has been operating in Cambridge for five years, jointly directed from the Computer Laboratory with Social and Political Science. After around 50 research projects, some in collaboration with EDC , we are turning our attention to developing an undergraduate design syllabus that is appropriate to Cambridge. Starting in 2007, first year undergraduates in Computer Science will be able to choose an optional Design and Innovation syllabus, consisting of 60 practical hours taught in a studio, and 60 hours of seminar content drawn from applied social sciences, arts and humanities. This seminar will discuss the philosophy and practical aims of the course, providing an opportunity for EDC staff and students to contribute to this new initiative.

This talk is part of the Engineering Design Centre series.

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