Satake compactifications and the Schottky problem
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Giulio Codogni (Cambridge)
Wednesday 30 January 2013, 14:15-15:15
MR 13, CMS.
If you have a question about this talk, please contact Dr. J Ross.
I will prove some results about the singularities of Satake compactifications of classical moduli spaces, this will give an insight into the relation among solutions of the Schottky problem in different genera. In particular, the Jacobian locus turns out to be very singular, so there are not any stable modular forms vanishing on it for every genus. On the other hand, the singularities of the Hyperelliptic locus are not that bad, so, using Theta series associated to lattices, I will be able to construct many stable modular forms vanishing on the Hyperelliptic locus for every genus.
This talk is part of the Algebraic Geometry Seminar series.
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