University of Cambridge > > The Triple Helix Lecture Series > Science and Policy: a one way relationship?

Science and Policy: a one way relationship?

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Yun Huang.

Last talk of term

The Triple Helix would like to invite you for the next exciting and FREE event this term titled ‘Science and Policy: a one way relationship?’ The event comprises talks by four distinguished speakers followed by a Q&A session.

The event will explore the relationship between scientific research and government policy and how they influence each other. We would like to discuss topics including the impact of government policies on stem cell research and the impact of scientific research in forming government decisions in preparation to epidemics and pandemics such as Swine Flu. We also expect a wider general topic discussion on a number of aspects of the relationship between science and policy.

We have an excellent panel of speakers, who are either directly involved in promoting communication between science and whose research is influenced by or influencing the government policies. It promises to be a great event so do not hesitate to come and contribute.

Our speakers are:

1. Sir Tom Blundell – Centre for Science and Policy, Cambridge; 2. Dr Tristan Rodriguez – Stem Cell research, MRC Clinical Science Centre, Imperial College London; 3. Prof Derek Smith – Professor of Infectious Disease Informatics, Department of Zoology, Cambridge; 4. Dr. Brian Horsburgh – Head of Life Sciences for the investment company IP Group plc.

The chair for the event is Dr Patricia Fara – Department of HPS .

Time: Monday 12th March 2012, 7.30-9.00pm Place: Wolfson Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry, Lensfield Road

FREE ENTRY & refreshments provided*

If you have any questions about this event, please contact Yun Huang at

This talk is part of the The Triple Helix Lecture Series series.

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