University of Cambridge > > CQIF Blackboard Talk > Symmetry, symmetry, symmetry!

Symmetry, symmetry, symmetry!

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Sergii Strelchuk.

In different situations in quantum information theory one would like to argue that the state of the system is of tensor product form. A famous example is QKD , where we would like to assume that the eavesdropper carries out a ‘collective attack’ rather than more general attacks. But this also appears at other places like mean field theory, quantum tomography, quantum games, channel coding. Quantum versions of de Finetti’s theorem have done a nice job in tackling these problems, but are often rather cumbersome to use and do not yield optimal parameters. In this talk, I will explain a different technique that is both easy to use and has a better performance and hope to convince you to use it in your next problem! The talk is based on two papers:

This talk is part of the CQIF Blackboard Talk series.

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