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SciSoc Talk: Dame Athene Donald - "Physics of the Everyday"

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Our next talk will be from Chruchill’s master and Fellow of the Royal Society, Dame Athene Donald.

Dame Athene has been a pioneer in the field of ‘soft matter physics’, most notably for her work relating mechanical properties to the structure of polymers. She has also researched a way in which to use an electron microscope to image things containing water – a huge advancement for both physics and biology. Dame Athene also is very prominent in promoting gender-equality within the university and in physics.

As usual the talk will be £2 entry, but you can buy membership on the night for a great-value £15. There will be plenty of wine and cheese afterwards, and a chance to chat to Dame Athene.

So join us on Tuesday for another inspirational talk!

This talk is part of the SciSoc – Cambridge University Scientific Society series.

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