University of Cambridge > > Galaxies Discussion Group > Strong lensing in the age of ALMA

Strong lensing in the age of ALMA

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  • UserMatus Rybak (MPA)
  • ClockFriday 21 October 2016, 11:30-12:30
  • HouseKavli LMR, IoA.

If you have a question about this talk, please contact Sergey Koposov.

Even with the full capabilities of ALMA , z>2 star-forming galaxies can only be studied at coarse resolution – however, strong gravitational lensing allows us to push the resolution and sensitivity limits by another order of magnitude. I will present a novel lens-modelling technique tailored specifically for radio/mm-interferometers such as ALMA and demonstrate the power of this technique by presenting the first high-resolution (50-100 parsecs) maps of dust and gas in a z~3 strongly lensed starburst from ALMA long baseline observations.

This talk is part of the Galaxies Discussion Group series.

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