University of Cambridge > > Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series > Semiclassical Decoding of Resurgent Transseries

Semiclassical Decoding of Resurgent Transseries

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  • UserMaximilian Schwick (Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa)
  • ClockThursday 15 September 2022, 10:00-11:00
  • HouseNo Room Required.

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AR2W01 - Physical resurgence: On quantum, gauge, and stringy

I will start out by discussing a recent conjecture for the complete resurgent Stokes data of the Painlevé I/II equations, which is based upon their resurgent structure [1]. This provides access to an infinite amount of transcedental numbers which completely characterize the global properties of the transseries solutions of Painlevé I/II and the hermitian quartic matrix model. I will then outline how to obtain the exact same data from (off-critical and double-scaled) matrix integral calculations [2]. The full resonant resurgent transseries may be obtained by generalizing physical-sheet eigenvalue tunneling to all (non-physical) sheets of the spectral geometry. This provides the complete semiclassical decoding of resurgent matrix models and minimal strings.I will end by presenting explicit examples. [1] S. Baldino, R. Schiappa, M. S., R. VegaResurgent Stokes Data for Painlevé Equations and Two-Dimensional Quantum (Super) Gravity,(2022), arXiv:2203.13726 [hep-th] [2] M. Mariño, R. Schiappa, M. S.To appear (2022).

This talk is part of the Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series series.

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