Searching for Multiple Hidden Objects
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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Felix Fischer.
Suppose k objects are hidden amongst n>k boxes, each with a designated search cost. A Searcher pays to open the boxes one by one until all the objects have been found. We consider this as a zero-sum game between the Searcher who wishes to minimise the total search cost and a malevolent Hider. We show that it is optimal for the objects to be hidden in a subset A of k boxes with probability proportional to the product p(A) of the search costs of those boxes. It is optimal for the Searcher to begin by opening a subset A of k boxes with probability p(A), and then search the remaining boxes in a random order. We show how this game can be considered as specific example of a wider class of search games for multiple objects on a network, and we give the solution of the game for 2-arc-connected networks (networks that cannot be disconnected by removing fewer than 2 arcs).
This talk is part of the Optimization and Incentives Seminar series.
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