University of Cambridge > > Cambridge Natural History Society > Studying Speciation in the Small Ermine Moths (Yponomeuta)

Studying Speciation in the Small Ermine Moths (Yponomeuta)

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  • UserNathan Clark
  • ClockThursday 14 November 2024, 19:30-21:00
  • Housevia zoom .

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Nathan Clark will show how modern genetic technology can be used to study speciation in action. How do species remain distinct through time? We are still only at the beginnings of understanding how new species in the wild are created. A great group to work on to examine this in depth are a subset of the small ermine moths (Yponomeuta) – a charismatic group of five species each with their own host trees and hybridisation patterns.

This talk is part of the Cambridge Natural History Society series.

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