University of Cambridge > > Manufacturing Research Forum > Student projects – a framework to support teaching and learning

Student projects – a framework to support teaching and learning

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Yongjiang Shi.

Judith Shawcross from MIERG is going to share her research and thoughts about student projects in IfM and their implications to our teaching and learning.

Student projects are key features of IfM programmes in both the Industrial Systems Manufacturing and Management (ISMM) MPhil programme and the Manufacturing Engineering Tripos (MET). During these projects groups of students tackle a real company issue in the workplace in a short period of time – often only two weeks and each student undertakes four different projects. As part of doctoral research to identify how students can be taught complex skill sets such as project skills during Higher Education, an evidence based framework of activities that students do whilst on projects has been developed.

This framework has been used in practice to support both teaching and learning. It provides a common point of reference for both tutors and students. Students have found it a useful checklist and reference guide particularly in their first projects and some project supervisors have also found it useful during discussions with their student groups.

This talk is part of the Manufacturing Research Forum series.

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