University of Cambridge > > Isotope Coffee: Geochemistry and Petrology Seminars Department of Earth Sciences > Scanning instruments in the department

Scanning instruments in the department

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Natalie Roberts.

A brief overview of the analysis techniques and applications of the following instruments will be given:

1) Electron Probe MicroAnalyzer (EPMA): provides quantitative microanalysis of solid samples. It is capable of high precision and accuracy down to ppm levels (for elements with atomic number ranging fluorine to uranium), and spatial resultion down to micrometers. Non-destructive technique.

2) Powder X-Ray Diffractometer (PXRD): provides phase analysis of solid samples from identification to quantification of crystal phases. It is a tool used for studying the atomic and molecular arrangement in crystalline solids and how they change with variations in temperature, pressure, chemistry. Non-destructive technique.

3) Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) with Quantitative Elemental Mapping SCA Nner (QEMSCAN): a powerful high resolution imaging instrument, which uses several different detectors for different signals (Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy, Secondary Electrons and BackScattered Electrons, CathodoLuminescence, Electron BackScattered Diffraction). QEMSCAN is a smart approach to EDS analysis. Non-destructive technique.

Please note there will also be a more detailed introduction to the new SEM and QEMSCAN instrument to follow later in the term.

4) Micro Magnetics MTJ Scanning Magnetic Microscope: this microscope enables us to map out of the remanent magnetic field of a polished thin section with nT field sensitivity and 10 µm spatial resolution

5) Lakeshore VSM /AGM – The system combines both vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) and alternating gradient field magnetometer (AGM) options, providing better flexibility in the range of samples that can be measured. The instrument provides rapid magnetic characterisation of natural samples, primarily via hysteresis and first-order reversal curve (FORC) measurements.

6) Agico MFK1 Kappa Bridge – This is a highly sensitive instrument for measuring anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility and bulk magnetic susceptibility in weak variable magnetic fields (field range from 2 A/m to 700 A/m, peak values). Besides the in-phase bulk susceptibility, relative changes of the phase angle can be measured.

7) Josh Einsle will spend several minutes discussing the variety of instruments available to use through shared access to the the Electron Microscopy Suite in the Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy. Microscopes and capabilities highlighted will include:

Helios Nanolab SEM -FIB – This microscope system includes a focused ion beam (FIB) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) on the same vacuum chamber.

FEI Tecnai Orisis TEM /STEM 80-200 – The Osiris is a state-of-the-art analytical instrument designed for easy TEM imaging and fast chemical mapping in scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) configuration using energy dispersive X-ray and electron energy loss spectroscopies (EDX and EELS ).

This talk is part of the Isotope Coffee: Geochemistry and Petrology Seminars Department of Earth Sciences series.

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