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SBS Bioinformatics Seminar on Spatial transcriptomics

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Adam Reid.

This seminar addresses the data analysis challenges of spatial transcriptomics – the intersection of image analysis and sequence analysis. Talks are followed by time to meet others working on this topic and an informal panel discussion.

Tong Li, Senior Software Developer, Wellcome Sanger Institute:

Building a modular and expandable pipeline for analysing image-based spatial transcriptomics data

Nadav Yayon, ESPOD Postdoctoral Fellow, European Bioinformatics Institute/Wellcome Sanger Institute:

A spatial human thymus cell atlas mapped to a continuous tissue axis

Discussion panel with Tong, Nadav and Abbi Edwards (Senior Bioinformatics Analyst, CRUKCI , University of Cambridge)

The meeting is open to all (students, postdocs, professional support staff, PIs) so please pass on to any colleagues you think might be interested.

This talk is part of the SBS Bioinformatics Seminars series.

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