University of Cambridge > > Astro Data Science Discussion Group > Scaling laws for large time-series models: More data, more parameters

Scaling laws for large time-series models: More data, more parameters

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Scaling laws for large language models (LLMs) offer valuable insights into how increasing model size and training data leads to predictable performance improvements. Time series forecasting, which shares a sequential structure similar to language, is well-suited to large-scale transformer architectures. In this talk, I will demonstrate that foundational decoder-only time series transformer models exhibit scaling behaviour analogous to LLMs. I will begin with a general introduction to scaling laws and how they can inform efficient, optimised model training. I will then focus on their specific application to time series data, highlighting the emergence of power law behaviour. Finally, I will discuss the broader implications of these findings, and potential scientific applications.

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This talk is part of the Astro Data Science Discussion Group series.

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