University of Cambridge > > Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series > SIR... or MADAM? The impact of privilege on careers in epidemic modelling

SIR... or MADAM? The impact of privilege on careers in epidemic modelling

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MIPW01 - Modelling and inference for pandemic preparedness - a focussed workshop

As we emerge from what may be the largest global public health crises of our lives, our community of epidemic modellers is naturally reflecting. What role can modelling play in supporting decision making during epidemics? How could we more effectively interact with policy makers? How should we design future disease surveillance systems? All crucial questions. But who is going to be addressing them in 10 years’ time? With high burnout and poor attrition rates in academia, both magnified in our field by our unprecedented efforts during the pandemic, and with low wages coinciding with inflation at its highest for decades, how do we retain talent? This is a multifaceted challenge, that I argue is underpinned by privilege. In this talk, I will introduce the notion of privilege and highlight how various aspects of privilege (namely gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, language and caring responsibilities) may affect the ability of individuals to access to and progress within academic modelling careers. I will propose actions that all members of the epidemic modelling research community may take to mitigate these issues and ensure we have a more diverse and equitable workforce going forward.

This talk is part of the Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series series.

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