Stochastic modelling in Biology
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Yang Luo (MRC Biostatistics Unit)
Wednesday 05 November 2008, 17:00-18:00
If you have a question about this talk, please contact HoD Secretary, DPMMS.
Traditionally, biological systems are modelled by deterministic models.
However, biochemical reacting systems which involve small number of
molecules of certain species may not be adequately modelled by a
deterministic differential equations. Stochastic models, in form of jump
processes or stochastic differential equations, have been proposed instead
for analyzing such systems(Gillespie1976, Gillespie 1977).
Aim of this project is to gain some insight of the stochastic behavior in
biochemical systems and their comparison to the deterministic models in
performing parameter inference and model selection.
This talk is part of the Statistical Laboratory Graduate Seminars series.
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