University of Cambridge > > ejm58's list > Sustainability Student Research May-Week Lunch: Cambridge as a Living Laboratory

Sustainability Student Research May-Week Lunch: Cambridge as a Living Laboratory

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Emilia Melville.

Would you like to improve the sustainability of Cambridge University? To try out some energy saving ideas that can be evaluated and done again elsewhere? To do applied research in sustainability and get coursework credit for it? If so, come and have lunch with us and find out more about this exciting project which is about to get off the ground, with your help. If would like to do research on sustainability in the University over the summer or as part of your curriculum, if you want to be part of a team of people coordinating this project, come and find out more.

What: presentation, discussion, and free lunch/brunch!

This talk is part of the ejm58's list series.

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