University of Cambridge > > bg268's list > Stochastic Resonance effects in composite systems

Stochastic Resonance effects in composite systems

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Berry Groisman.

I will discuss the phenomenon of stochastic resonance (SR), a paradigm of the counter intuitive effects noise may have, in driven coupled quantum systems. I will construct dynamical and information theoretic measures of the system’s response that exhibit a non-monotonic behaviour as a function of the noise strength and analyze the relation between lack of monotonicity in the response and the presence of quantum correlations and identify parameter regimes where the breakdown of a linear response can be linked to the presence of entanglement. I will also show that a chain of coupled spin systems can exhibit an array-enhanced response, where the sensitivity of a single resonator is enhanced as a result of nearest-neighbour coupling. These results enlarge the domain where SR effects exist and should be observable in a variety of qubit realizations, such as arrays of superconducting qubits.

This talk is part of the bg268's list series.

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