Lists starting with S
- Safety measures when having a barbecue
- Saffron Hall Events
- Said Reza Huseini
- Sainsbury Laboratory Seminars
- Salesforce Admin Tutorials for Beginners
- Sandars Lectures in Bibliography
- Satellite Internet Service Providers
- Saunders Genetics Lecture
- SBR Graduate Talks
- SCAMPS 09 - One day Symposium
- School of Clinical Medicine Talks
- School of Physical Sciences
- School of Technology
- School of Technology Research Funding Masterclasses
- SCI Cambridge Science Talks
- SciBar
- SciBar
- SciBar
- SciBar Cambridge
- SciComp@Cam: Scientific Computing in Cambridge
- Science
- Science & Music
- Science & Technology Education Research Group ( S &TERG)
- Science and Technology Reading Group
- Science meets Faith
- Science non-Fiction & the Bottom Billion: Evolving Frameworks for a fairer Future
- Science talks
- Science talks
- Science@Darwin
- Scientific Computing
- Scientific Images Discussion Group
- SciScreen
- SciScreen Cambridge
- Scisoc
- SciSoc – Cambridge University Scientific Society
- Scott Lectures
- Scott Polar Research Institute - HCEP (Histories, Cultures, Environments and Politics) Research Seminars
- Scott Polar Research Institute - other talks
- Scott Polar Research Institute - Polar Humanities and Social Sciences ECR Workshop
- Scott Polar Research Institute - Polar Physical Sciences Seminar
- se393's list
- se456's list
- second
- Second Chances: 3 Reasons to Switch to a Google Pixel Phone
- Second Language Education Group
- Security-related talks
- Sedgwick Club talks
- Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences
- Seeing with the Heart
- SEEMOD Workshop 9
- Self Leadership&Self Management
- Semantics and Pragmatics Research Group
- Semantics Lunch (Computer Laboratory)
- Semiconductor Physics
- Semiconductor Physics Group Seminars
- Seminar on Religion, Conflict and Its Aftermath
- seminars
- Seminars
- Seminars
- Seminars at the Department of Biochemistry
- Seminars in Ageing Research
- Seminars on Adaptation to Climate Change
- Seminars on Chinese Linguistics and L2 Chinese
- Seminars on Quantitative Biology @ CRUK Cambridge Institute
- Semitic linguistics
- Semitic Philology Lecture
- Sensors & Actuators Seminar Series
- Sensors CDT seminars
- Seo
- seodahisi
- Sequencing Workshop
- SeriezLoaded NG
- server colocation uk
- server colocation uk
- server colocation uk tt
- Set Theory Seminar
- Seven Types of Forgetting
- sfm36
- Shaping the Future - Cambridge Public Policy Lecture Series
- Short Course: Higher order regularisation in imaging
- Showing of the Film 'STAR MEN'
- shubham
- SIAM-IMA Cambridge Student Chapter
- Sidgewick Site Equalities Improvement Network
- Sidgwick Site Equalities Improvement Network
- sigma
- Signal Processing and Communications Lab Reading Group
- Signal Processing and Communications Lab Seminars
- Silicon Valley comes to the UK 2011
- Simon Baker's List
- Simple Ideas that Change the World
- Sinew Speakers Series
- Sinews
- Sinews 20th April
- Sinews of Development Speakers Series
- Single Cell seminars at the Wellcome Genome Campus
- Sir Andrew Motion Visits Cambridge in War Poets Event
- Sir Brian Pippard Memorial Meeting
- Sir David Khalili's 'The Art of Peace' Lecture
- Sir David King's Surface Science Seminars
- Sir Edmund Hillary Memorial Lecture
- Sir JC Bose Seminar of Interdisciplinary Research
- Sir Richard Stone Annual Lecture
- Sir Richard Stone Annual Lecture
- SJC Regular Seminars
- Skewness, Heavy Tails, Market Crashes, and Dynamics
- skymarketing in islamabad
- skymarketing in islamabad and qnnit
- Slavonic Film and Media Studies
- Slavonic Studies
- Slavonic Studies Graduate Research Forum
- sleg
- Soc Doc Soc
- Social Anthropology
- Social Anthropology Post-Doc Seminar
- Social Anthropology Research Associate Seminar Series
- Social Enterprise and International Development
- social entrepreneurship
- social innovation
- Social Mobility: Chavs, NEETs and McJobs
- Social Psychology Seminar Series (SPSS)
- Social Theory Seminars
- Society of Biology
- Society of Spanish Researchers in the UK
- Society To Science
- Sociolinguistics Seminar
- sociology
- Sociology of Intellectuals Reading Group Seminar
- Sociology Seminar Series 22-23
- Sociology Seminar Series 23-24
- Soclikes
- Soft Condensed MatterTermly Meeting
- Soft Matter
- soft matter
- Software Innovation
- Solid state quantum condensate meetings
- soloplaytalk
- Somalian Shokun
- songnaija
- Soul Food
- South Africa Mp3 Download
- South Africa Music Download
- South Asia Film Series
- South Asia: Women in the Field
- South Asia: Women in the Field
- Spanish & Portuguese
- Spanish Researchers in the United Kingdom (SRUK)
- Spanish Researchers in UK (SRUK)-Cambridge
- Speakers
- Special Astrophysics Seminars
- Special Departmental Seminars
- Special DPMMS Colloquium
- Special DPMMS Colloquium
- Special Geometric Group Theory Seminar
- Special Lecture
- Special panel discussion
- Special Seminar
- Special Veterinary Medicine Seminars
- Spectacular Chemistry of Coal
- Speech by Sir APJ Nayel Rahman
- Speech Seminars
- speech synthesis seminar series
- SPIE Cambridge Student Chapter
- Sport
- Spring School 2008 - Translating animal models to patients with Neurodegenerative disorders
- Spring School 2009 - "Regeneration and Plasticity of Neural Circuits"
- Spring School 2010 - 'Axon-Glia Biology in Health and Disease'
- SPS Society
- srg
- ssb
- St Catharine's College Amalgamated Societies Lecture Series
- St Catharine's College John Ray Society.
- St Catharine's College Lectures
- St Catharine's College MCR Catz Mini-Seminars
- St Catharine's Lecture Series
- St Catharine's Political Economy Seminar Series
- St Catharine's Political Economy Seminars
- St Edmund's College Political Forum SECPF
- St John's College Larmor Society 2011-12
- St John's Women's Society Talks
- St Johns Women Society
- St. John's College Medical Society
- St. John's Women's Society Talks
- State of Exception, Spaces of Terror: The Concentrationary Gothic and Whiteness as Spectral Terrorist
- Statistical Laboratory Graduate Seminars
- Statistical Laboratory info aggregator
- Statistical Laboratory International Year of Statistics Public Lectures
- Statistical Laboratory Open Afternoon
- Statistical Methods for Cognitive Psychologists
- Statistical Software Training
- Statistics
- Statistics Group
- Statistics Meets Public Health
- Statistics of Prof Philip Dawid
- Statistics Reading Group
- Stats
- Stem Cell
- stem cell
- Stem Cell Institute Research Associates
- Stem Cell Seminars and Events in Cambridge
- Stem Cells & Regenerative Medicine
- Stem Cells & Regenerative Medicine
- Stephen Cowley's Meetings
- Stephen Roskill Memorial Lecture
- Steve H
- Steven Pinker: The Past, Present and Future of Violence
- Stimulus-driven behaviors in OCD: inhibition and action tendencies
- Stokes Society, Pembroke College
- Stone Lectures
- Stories Behind the Stitches: Schoolgirl Samplers of the 18th and 19th Centuries
- streaming ITA
- Stroke Research Meetings
- Structural Biology Monday Seminars
- Structural Materials Seminar Series
- student
- Student Community Action
- Students Discussion
- Study Group on a Langlands Correspondence for Loop Groups
- Subjunctive Mood
- Summer Hebrew Ulpan
- Summer Research Festival
- Supper Seminars
- sureapks
- sureapks
- Surface, Microstructure & Fracture group
- Surface, Microstructure and Fracture Talks
- Susan Gathercole
- Sustainability in the Built Environment (GreenBRIDGE)
- Sustainability Leadership Laboratories
- Sustainability Talks
- Sustainable Development Research Seminars
- Sustainable Energy - One-day Meeting of the Cambridge Philosophical Society
- Sustainable Resources Research Group
- Switch Off Week
- Symbols in action at 40: Baringo and Beyond
- Symposium on AI FOR SOCIAL GOOD
- Symposium on Computational Biology
- Syntax Reading Group
- SyntaxLab
- Synthetic Biology
- Synthetic Chemistry Research Interest Group
- Synthetic Differential Geometry Seminar