University of Cambridge > > Cambridge Startup Weekend > Startup Creation

Startup Creation

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Work in a supercharged team for just 54 hours, and then be free to leave to pursue your own stuff!


Shai will be talking at Cambridge’s first Startup Weekend, March 11-13, 2011, St John’s Innovation Centre.

Why will you want to come to Cambridge Startup Weekend…?

Got an idea for a business? Got the skills to help turn an idea into reality? Cambridge Startup Weekend is the event that brings people with ideas and skills together to make things happen. An intense 54 hour event, it focuses on building a web or mobile application which could form the basis of a credible business over the course of a single weekend. Held between March 11-13, it brings together software developers, web and graphics designers, marketing and business people to build applications, develop a commercial case around them and have fun while doing it. Whether you are a developer or a designer looking for a new challenge, someone thinking of founding a startup or a student, the Cambridge Startup Weekend is the perfect event for you.

This talk is part of the Cambridge Startup Weekend series.

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