Safer Healthcare by Better Computer Science
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If you have a question about this talk, please contact David Greaves.
Most of the time we can cope when things don’t work very well, but in
healthcare badly designed computer systems cause problems that harm
and sometimes kill patients. Nurses are often blamed, so fixing the
computer science never gets prioritized; in fact, the culture of
computing presents it as a solution, so when things go wrong something
else must be to blame.
We will show how better computer science can significantly improve
safety and reduce design induced harm. Moreover, any problem fixed by
better programming becomes a benefit to anybody who uses or is
affected by systems, often without requiring training (which for
healthcare is a major issue).
Currently, preventable errors in hospitals kill about 80,000 pa in the
UK, the third biggest killer after heart disease and cancer. IT of one
sort or another contributes to that, so one wonders why higher
programming standards are not universally required. While a research
programme is needed, the practical problem facing us is to find out
how to align the interests of victims (patients, carers and services)
with the interests of the manufacturers and regulators. We’ll give
some suggestions.
This talk is part of the Wednesday Seminars - Department of Computer Science and Technology series.
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