University of Cambridge > > Buddhist Society Talks > Mindfulness and the Brain

Mindfulness and the Brain

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Non-chemical ways of dealing with your emotional response to life.

University life can be stressful. We could all do with some non-chemical ways to improve our lives. Many people have found mindfulness to be effective in reducing stress and dealing with painful experiences, but, how does it work?

This secular, experiential session will explain what is happening in the brain during meditation and why it is effective. You will get a chance to try different types of meditation for yourself and experience the benefits. It will use almost no jargon (either neuroscience of Buddhist)

Mike Bell is a science graduate (Selwyn), has worked as a science teacher and staff trainer and has created teaching materials on the ‘brain and learning’. He has practiced meditation for over 20 years.

This talk is part of the Buddhist Society Talks series.

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