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Medical Research Council Conference on Biostatistics

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Rosemary Camperos.

28th October 2013: Deadline for Submission of Contributed Paper Abstracts and for Poster Abstracts

The MRC Biostatistics Unit is pleased to announce the dates of its forthcoming International Conference which will take place at the Queens’ College, Cambridge, UK.

We have an exciting line-up of prestigious invited visiting speakers: Tony Ades, Per Kragh Andersen, Nicola G. Best, Leonardo Bottolo, Norman Breslow, Nicholas E. Day, Peter Diggle, Arnoldo Frigessi, Andy Grieve, Robin Henderson, Chris Holmes, Dirk Husmeier, Mahesh Parmar, Adrian E. Raftery, Duncan C. Thomas, and Simon G. Thompson.

For the conference programme please visit

Abstracts Submission guidelines and forms are available at

Abstracts should state for which of the following six themes have been submitted.

The six themes are:

  • Policy or Translational Impact
  • Evidence Synthesis to Inform Health
  • Statistical Genomics
  • Complex Observational and Longitudinal Data
  • Design and Analysis of Randomised Trials
  • General Biostatistics

Conference package:

- Earlybird 2 Day Registration with accommodation | Cost: £280.00 - Earlybird 2 Day Registration with no accommodation | Cost: £210.00 - Earlybird 3 Day Registration | Cost: £390.00

Please note that places at these prices are limited. As soon as they are filled, more places will be released but at an increased cost (approx. £100 more)

Registration is OPEN . Please click here for online registration.

Conference booking and abstract submission key dates:

8th August 2013: Early Bird Registration opens: Early Bird preferential rates apply for limited numbers of places

28th October 2013: Deadline for Submission of Contributed Paper Abstracts and for Poster Abstracts

8th November 2013: Email notification to contributors of selected Contributed Papers and Posters

25th November 2013: Deadline for receipt of registration fees from contributors of selected Contributed Papers

20th January 2013: Registration with accommodation closes

For further details please visit the conference website:

Please also see below a link to the conference poster:

For answers to conference queries, please email to

This talk is part of the Medical Research Council Biostatistics Unit Centenary celebratory events series.

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