Mirror symmetry without localization.
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Tom Coates, Imperial College
Wednesday 23 April 2014, 16:00-17:00
If you have a question about this talk, please contact Ivan Smith.
Mirror Symmetry predicts a surprising relationship between the virtual numbers of degree-d rational curves in a target space X and variations of Hodge structure on a different space X’, called the mirror to X. Concretely, it predicts that one can compute genus-zero Gromov–Witten invariants (which are the virtual numbers of rational curves) in terms of hypergeometric functions (which are the solutions to a differential equation that controls the variation of Hodge structure). Existing proofs of this rely on beautiful but fearsomely complicated localization calculations in equivariant cohomology. I will describe a new proof of the Mirror Theorem, for a broad range of target spaces X, which is much simpler and more conceptual. This is joint work with Cristina Manolache.
This talk is part of the Differential Geometry and Topology Seminar series.
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