Minimal Walking Technicolor: Dark matter and LHC signatures
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Dr. Mads Frandsen (Oxford)
Thursday 29 April 2010, 16:00-17:00
MR13, CMS.
If you have a question about this talk, please contact Steve Chun Hay Kom.
I discuss Minimal Walking Technicolor (MWT) models. Technicolor provides a dynamical origin of electroweak symmetry breaking and in some cases also dark matter candidates. While motivated by QCD , electroweak precision data suggest that the Technicolor dynamics cannot be QCD -like. Recent models of MWT are constructed to be in agreement with the electroweak precision data and provide viable dark matter candidates. I discuss the phenomenology of these models, including direct detection and LHC signatures.
This talk is part of the HEP phenomenology joint Cavendish-DAMTP seminar series.
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