University of Cambridge > > British Antarctic Survey - Polar Oceans seminar series > Multi-parameter observations from coastal waters to the deepest trenches: challenges studying the carbon system with optode technology

Multi-parameter observations from coastal waters to the deepest trenches: challenges studying the carbon system with optode technology

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Dr. Joakim Kjellsson.

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This presentation will give examples on how multi-parameter platforms have been used in a variety of applications ranging from shallow coastal on-line observatories down to measuring in the deepest Ocean trenches. Focus will be on projects in which optode technology (primarily for CO2 and O2) has served to study different aspects of the carbon system including primary production/consumption, air-sea exchange, leakage detection from underwater storage of CO2 and measurements from moving platforms like gliders and ferries. The performance of recently developed pH optode prototypes will also be discussed.

This talk is part of the British Antarctic Survey - Polar Oceans seminar series series.

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